| 1. | In the second part , we analyzed the speciality of the vogue journal , compared to other media , and point out the industry chain that confined them . in the third part , we analyzed the typical cases , according to supply chain , source chain , brand chain , service chain , and point out the regularity of the vogue journal . in the last part , we offered some advice to develop the chinese vogue journal , pointed out that we should associate globalization and gentilitial , capitalize on the regularity of industry chain in order to develop chinese vogue journal at the background of economy globalization 论文分为四个部分展开:第一部分,是对时尚期刊范畴的界定,从理论和市场的双重视角对时尚期刊进行分析,以期达到逻辑和历史的统一性;第二部分,是对时尚期刊特点的分析,通过它与其他媒体的深入比较,从现代产业的角度,指出其内部深刻制约它的产业链;第三部分,是对时尚期刊产业链的研究,通过典型案例的分析,从供应链、资源链、品牌链、服务链等多重角度,提炼出时尚期刊产业链的规律;第四部分,是对中国时尚期刊产业的前瞻性战略思考和对策性建议,指出在经济全球化的大背景下,中国时尚期刊产业的发展,必定要在全球化和民族化的结合中,充分利用产业链的规律,壮大自身的实力。 |