After withdrawing 8 , 000 euros from a bank for a holiday the man was struck in the back of the neck by what he described as human feces , police in the central town of giessen said 德国中部城市吉森市的警方表示,受害者为外出旅行从银行取出了8000欧元现金,从银行出来后他感觉脖子后面被人泼洒了大概是粪便之类的东西。
When martin ziron and researchers at the institute of animal breeding and genetics in giessen , germany tested various heating methods on 1 , 400 piglets during their first few weeks of life , waterbeds won hands down 德国吉森动物饲养遗传研究所的研究员马丁和他的同事给1400只小猪在出生后几周内试用了各种保温方法,试验证明水床是最受小猪欢迎的。