| 1. | Giop orb information technology - open distributed processing - general inter - orb protocol internet inter - orb protocol 信息技术.开放分布式处理.通用orb间协议 |
| 2. | Hop is a implementation of giop using tcp / ip . all present orbs have ability to communicate over hop Iiop是giop的tcp ip实现,目前所有的orb产品都可以使用iiop进行通信。 |
| 3. | However , the standard corba giop / iiop interoperability protocols are not well - suited for applications with stringent message footprint size , latency , and jitter requirements 传统的基于tcp ip网络协议的giop iiopcorba消息传输协议已经难以适应于这些应用要求。 |
| 4. | Xiop is an experimental implementation of corba ' s generic giop protocol . however , it never reached critical mass and there are no known applications or implementations Xiop是一个实验性的基于corba的giop协议的一般性应用。然而,它(的用户)数目从来没有达到一定的临界点,并且也没有一个知名的应用和应用软件。 |
| 5. | Our implementation of poa / orb correlation can locate object quickly and provide request flow control by poamanager as well . special dispatch policies are introduced to support request - level dispatching on poa Starbus3 . 0所实现的关联设计能支持giop引擎对poa的快速定位;能使poamanager对请求流进行有效控制。 |
| 6. | The paper will emphatically discuss the design of giop engine of concurrent orb , consisting of giop connection menagement , giop message marshalling and unmarshalling , and giop message concurrent processing 本文将重点阐述并发orb的giop引擎的设计工作,其中包括了giop的连接管理、 giop消息的编码和解码过程和giop消息的并发处理。 |
| 7. | Hop is designed to support corba communication protocol . corba is a distributed object infrastructure announced by omg . in corba2 . 0 , a abstract protocol for universal orb interoperation called giop is introduced Corba是由omg定义的标准分布式对象体系结构,在corba2 . 0中引入了一个通用的orb互操作性结构体系,称为giop ,它是一个抽象的协议。 |
| 8. | Application software is independent of operation system ’ s priority by using corba priority . multi - tasks ’ synchronous transaction and high priority task ’ s preference transaction are realized through threadpool mechanism . therefore , through iiop which is based on giop , application software can easily communicate with each other on heterogeneity network 通过corba的优先级机制,使应用程序不用考虑不同平台的优先级差异;通过服务端的线程池机制实现了多任务的并发处理和高优先级任务的抢先调度;基于giop协议实现iiop通信协议,使得应用程序在异种网络上的通信变得容易。 |
| 9. | There are two key parts in the criterion to implement the interaction between different computers : omg interface definition language ( omg idl ) and standardized protocol giop and iiop , which allows software based on corba can communicate with each other no matter where they come from the same company or different companies 规范的两个关键部分可以保证实现不同计算机间的互操作性: omg的接口定义语言( omgidl )和标准化协议giop和iiop ,它允许来自同一或不同厂商的基于corba的计算机程序之间在几乎所有的计算机操作系统、程序设计语言、网络上实现互操作。 |