During that time , women taking rosiglitazone were more likely to hae bone fractures than women taking either metformin or glyburide 随访期间,罗格列酮组的女性患者骨折发生率明显高于二甲双胍组和格列本脲组。
It ' s possible that people with allergies to sulfonamide - type medications , such as sulfa antibiotics or thiazide diuretics ( water pills ) , develop allergies when using sulfonylurea medications , such as glyburide 答:有这种可能,对于磺酰胺类药物例如磺胺类抗生素或者噻嗪类利尿剂过敏的患者会有可能会对磺酰脲类降糖药物过敏,例如格列本脲。