n. 1.(日晷的)晷针,指时针。 2.【数学】磬折形〔自平行四边形的一角截去一较小平行四边形后的图形〕。
Example Sentences:
In all cases the gnomon lies in the plane of the meridian . 表始终都处于子午面内。
A stake used for this purpose was the earliest type of sundial and was called a gnomon . 这种特定的标杆就是最早的一种日晷仪,人们称之为日晷仪标杆。
It appears as a small gnomon with lines extending in each major direction ( along the x , y , and zaxis ) 它看起来象是一个小的指时针和在每个主要的轴向上( x , y , z轴)的线的延伸。
From then on , people were able to measure time and determine seasons based on the position and length of the gnomon ' s shadow 从此,人们便通过观测圭表上日影的长短变化来计算时间、测定季节。