The nobel prize - william golding the nobel foundation powered by xago . org - the world heritage sites 特别为他的工作苍蝇王lord of the flies
As a representative work of english contemporary writer william golding , lord of the flies is viewed as a modem fable and invites many interpretations 摘要《蝇王》是英国当代作家威廉?戈尔丁的代表作,被称为现代寓言。
Brian . leiter , american legal realism , in w . edmundson & m . golding ( eds . ) , the blackwell guide to philosophy of law and legal theory ( oxford : blackwell , 2005 ) , pp . 54 E .博登海默: 《法理学? ?法律哲学与法律方法》 ,邓正来译,北京,中国政法大学出版社, 1999年版,页153 。
The lead researcher , joseph hibbeln of the us national institutes of health , and the bristol scientists , including professor jean golding , compared the amount of fish eaten by pregnant mothers with the development of their children up to the age of eight 对孩子的行为和智力的新的研究表明听从了美国控制结核病的“建议” ,或害怕汞中毒而不吃鱼的妇女,可能缺少大脑发育所需的营养物质,从而损害到他们的孩子。
The lead researcher , joseph hibbeln of the us national institutes of health , and the bristol scientists , including professor jean golding , compared the amount of fish eaten by pregnant mothers with the development of their children up to the age of eight 这份新的儿童行为和智力研究表明那些帕铅中毒遵循2004年美国营养建议,减少或完全放弃鱼肉摄入的妇女可能会缺少发展大脑必需的营养成分从而伤害茯中的胎儿。
The lead researcher , joseph hibbeln of the us national institutes of health , and the bristol scientists , including professor jean golding , compared the amount of fish eaten by pregnant mothers with the development of their children up to the age of eight 关于儿童行为和智力的最新调查表明:为了抑制消费或者担心水银中毒儿拒食鱼类,而遵循美国04年出版"忠告"建议的女士可能会缺少宝宝开发智力所需的营养,有损孩子的健康
The lead researcher , joseph hibbeln of the us national institutes of health , and the bristol scientists , including professor jean golding , compared the amount of fish eaten by pregnant mothers with the development of their children up to the age of eight 这项对宝宝们行为与智力的研究表明,那些遵照美国2004 "建议"而减少食物摄入或由于害怕汞中毒而同时将鱼排除在饮食之外的妇女,都可能丧失宝宝脑部发育所需的营养,而这将危害他们的宝宝
The lead researcher , joseph hibbeln of the us national institutes of health , and the bristol scientists , including professor jean golding , compared the amount of fish eaten by pregnant mothers with the development of their children up to the age of eight 这个新的关于儿童行为和智力的调查表明,准妈妈遵循2004年美国“咨询”限制食用或完全把鱼类从他们的饮食中取代掉-害怕汞中毒,会使孩子失去一些大脑发育所需的营养而不利于他们孩子的发育。
The lead researcher , joseph hibbeln of the us national institutes of health , and the bristol scientists , including professor jean golding , compared the amount of fish eaten by pregnant mothers with the development of their children up to the age of eight 最新一项针对孩子的行为和智力的研究表明:女士们若根据2004年发表的美国“顾问”的说法为了防止汞中毒而刻意地限制吃鱼的量或完全不吃鱼的话,会导致孩子们缺乏大脑发育所需地营养从而造成伤害。