The conditions on nocturne are not conducive to training for high speed attack or using the anti - grav engines of land speeders , so the chapter employs relatively few of these specialised fast attack units 由于那克土恩不能制造出高移动速度和小巧的陆地飞毛腿引擎,所以军团以连队为单位雇佣了许多类似的快速移动和反应部队。
Specifically , to a test particle , its mass defect is am = m _ ( 0 ) - m , where mo and m are the mass of the particle when it is in the infinity and in the grav - itational field , respectively . to a spherical shell ( or a solid sphere ) , its mass defect is am = m _ ( 0 ) - m , where mo is the total mass of the matter scattering in the infinity and m is the mass of the gravitational spherical shell ( or the gravitational sphere ) combined by the matter scattering in the infinity 具体来说,对于试验粒子,当它由无穷远处运动到引力场中某点时,其质量由m _ 0变为m ,发生的质量亏损为m = m _ 0 - m ;对于球壳或固体球,当组成球壳或固体球的这些物质分散在无穷远处时,总质量为m _ 0 ,当这些分散在无穷远处的物质结合成球壳或固体球时,其质量变为m ,发生的质量亏损为m = m _ 0 - m 。