The consciousness of an object is attained by concentration upon its fourfold nature : the form , through examination ; the quality ( or guna ) , through discriminative participation ; the purpose , through inspiration ( or bliss ) ; and the soul , through identification 自性意识(真我)经由集中冥想于四个自然属性而获得:观想(物相) 、明辨(性质) 、相应(灵佑) 、融合(皈依) 。
In hindu tantra , practice is graded into three types , corresponding to three classes of devotees : the animal , i . e . , those in whom the guna , or quality , of tamas ( darkness ) predominates ; the heroic , those in whom the guna of rajas ( activity ) predominates ; and the divine , those in whom sattva ( goodness ) predominates ( see hindu philosophy ) 在印度教坦陀罗,练习被分成三种类型,与三种级别的皈依者相对应:动物,那些在黑暗之中,或者等同于黑暗支配的人;英雄,那些掌握主动支配的人;和神性,那些有良好支配的人(看看印度哲学) 。