And they did so at the going up to gur , which is by ibleam 到了靠近以伯莲的姑珥坡上击伤了他。
Qhow to ignite gur sales and profits 如何点燃你的销售和利润!
So they struck him at the ascent of gur , which is by ibleam 人就在靠近以伯莲的姑珥坡上击伤了他。
God helped him against the philistines , and against the arabians who lived in gur - baal , and the meunites 代下26 : 7神帮助他攻击非利士人、和住在姑珥巴力的亚拉伯人、并米乌尼人。
And god helped him against the philistines and against the arabians who dwelt in gur - baal and against the meunim 7神帮助他攻击非利士人,和住在姑珥巴力的亚拉伯人,并米乌尼人。
[ bbe ] and god gave him help against the philistines , and against the arabians living in gur - baal , and against the meunim 神帮助他攻击非利士人和住在姑珥巴力的亚拉伯人,并米乌尼人。
The results of numerical experiment are reported to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms . reduced hessian algorithm has became one of the very popular and most effecive methods for solving nonlinear equality constrained programming . recently , chaya gur - witz proposed the two - piece update of a projected hessian matrix 最近, chayagurwitz在nocedal和overton等人工作的基础上,提出了两块校正的投影hesse矩阵方法,讨论了其算法的局部收敛速率,但未涉及整体收敛性。