| 1. | Which he played with his first band in haight - ashbury 他在他的第一个乐队中使用 |
| 2. | Which he played with his first band in haight - ashbury 他在他的第一个乐队中使用 |
| 3. | One piece of advice : try and avoid the lower haight at night 区,寻找心水衣服或时款饰物。 |
| 4. | The haight street fair was another inspiring way that master arranged to spread her teachings to residents of the san francisco area 这次展览是师父安排的另一种提升社会的管道,藉以传播教理给旧金山湾区的民众。 |
| 5. | On june 8 , 2003 , san francisco fellow practitioners participated in the 26th annual haight street fair , a very popular event in the san francisco bay area 2003年6月8日,旧金山同修参加了旧金山湾区的一场盛会-第二十六届海特街博览会。 |
| 6. | Each year , the city of san francisco hosts the haight street fair in haight - ashbury to celebrate and remember this golden period in san francisco s history 每年旧金山市均会在此举办海特街haight street园游会,庆祝并缅怀旧金山发展史上的这段黄金时期。 |
| 7. | Many people flocked to the famous haight street area to visit booths offering a variety of alternative therapies , clothing , food and snacks , to name just a few of the attractions 活动当天,这条知名的街道挤满人潮,民众四处参观五花八门的摊位,有另类疗法服饰和小吃点心等等,参展的种类多得无法形容。 |
| 8. | The haight street fair , with its rich history and large throngs of open - minded people , provided san francisco initiates with a great opportunity to give back to the community , spread master s teachings , and announce the news of master s june 23 lecture in fresno , california 海特街丰富的历史与对开明人士的吸引力,为旧金山同修提供了一个回馈社区的绝佳机会师父的教理传播。同时,更藉此广传师父即将在6月23日到弗雷斯诺fresno讲经的福音。 |
| 9. | The woman who managed the local public tv station wanted to show how the haight street fair was advantageous to the community , and used our booth as an example of one of its benefits . she inquired about our master , our method of practice , and ways to contact our association 经营这家公共电视台的一位女士,为了将此次海特街博览会为当地社区所带来的利益介绍给大众,特别采访我们摊位作为楷模,她询问了师父的事迹观音法门以及如何和我们团体联络等问题。 |