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Chinese translation for "hairbreadth"

n. 一发之差,极微小的距离 (by a hairbreadth 一发之差,间不容发。 within a hairbreadth of sth. 差一点就…)。
2.adj. 一发之间的,间不容发的 (a hairbreadth escape 九死一生,死里逃生)。
Example Sentences:
1.To see a boy go into a grocery store at noon recess…was a hairbreadth short of a miracle to me .
2.It s a strange way of killing ! not by inches , but by fractions and hairbreadths , to beguile me with the spectre of a hope , through eighteen years
那是一种奇怪的杀人方法:不是一寸寸的,而是像头发丝那样的一丝丝地割,十八年来就用幽灵样的希望来引诱我! ”
3.Chateau and hut , stone face and dangling figure , the red stain on the stone floor , and the pure water in the village well - thousands of acres of land - a whole province of france - all france itself - lay under the night sky , concentrated into a faint hairbreadth line
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