n. 一发之差,极微小的距离 (by a hairbreadth 一发之差,间不容发。 within a hairbreadth of sth. 差一点就…)。 2.adj. 一发之间的,间不容发的 (a hairbreadth escape 九死一生,死里逃生)。
Example Sentences:
To see a boy go into a grocery store at noon recess…was a hairbreadth short of a miracle to me . 看到男生在午休时去杂货店…对我来说简直是个奇迹。
It s a strange way of killing ! not by inches , but by fractions and hairbreadths , to beguile me with the spectre of a hope , through eighteen years 那是一种奇怪的杀人方法:不是一寸寸的,而是像头发丝那样的一丝丝地割,十八年来就用幽灵样的希望来引诱我! ”
Chateau and hut , stone face and dangling figure , the red stain on the stone floor , and the pure water in the village well - thousands of acres of land - a whole province of france - all france itself - lay under the night sky , concentrated into a faint hairbreadth line 庄园与茅屋石雕人面与吊着摇摇晃晃的身影石头地板上的斑斑血迹与乡村泉眼中的清清流泉数以干亩计的土地一法兰西的一个省区法兰西的整体一它们全都在夜空之下凝聚成了一条微弱的细线。