Potter and injun joe were carrying a handbarrow with a rope and a couple of shovels on it 波特和印第安乔推着一个手推车,车上有一根绳子和两把铁锹。
I remember him as if it were yesterday , as he came plodding to the inn door , his sea - chest following behind him in a handbarrow ; a tall , strong , heavy , nut - brown man ; his tarry pigtail falling over the shoulders of his soiled blue coat ; his hands ragged and scarred , with black , broken nails ; and the sabre cut across one cheek , a dirty , livid white 我回想起他恍惚就在昨天,当他步履沉重地来到旅店门口时,他的航海用的大木箱搁在他身后的双轮手推车上。这是个高大。强壮魁梧有着栗色皮肤的人,粘乎乎的辫子耷拉在脏兮兮的蓝外套的肩部,粗糙的手上疤痕累累,指甲乌青而残缺不全,一道肮脏的铅灰色刀疤横贯一侧面颊。