| 1. | Heart - beats at an adequate rate force to supply the system with blood 心脏-心脏的泵力能够输出足够血液供人体所需。 |
| 2. | Despite her meteoric rise the young actress admits she would give all her fame away in a heart - beat for a husband , house and a " few dogs and kids . 演艺事业发展得如日中天的章子怡说如果碰上心上人,她会考虑息影,跟老公,孩子还有几条狗过简单的生活。 |
| 3. | Despite her meteoric rise the young actress admits she would give all her fame away in a heart - beat for a husband , house and a " few dogs and kids . 演艺事业发展得如日中天的章子怡说如果碰上心上人,她会考虑息影,跟老公,孩子还有几条狗过简单的生活。 |
| 4. | P > despite her meteoric rise the young actress admits she would give all her fame away in a heart - beat for a husband , house and a " few dogs and kids . 演艺事业发展得如日中天的章子怡说如果碰上心上人,她会考虑息影,跟老公,孩子还有几条狗过简单的生活。 |
| 5. | Cardiovascluar function 、 heart - beat - rate 、 vasculaively resistance and physical states of blood are all reflected in the indices of blood pressure and artery stiffness 心脏的泵血功能、心率、血管外周阻力以及血液的物理状态等都反映在血压与动脉弹性的指标中。 |
| 6. | It was a mad orgy of imagination , wassailing in the skull of a dying man who half sobbed under his breath and was quick with the wild flutter of fading heart - beats 那是想像力的疯狂的盛筵,在一个垂死的人的头脑里祝酒,垂死者气息奄奄地哭泣着,衰微不去的心脏却仍然狂跳。 |
| 7. | When using automated recovery processing , websphere application server makes the determination that a server has failed using a heart - beating mechanism between servers 当使用自动恢复处理时, websphere application server将在服务器之间使用心跳( heart - beating )机制以测定发生故障的服务器。 |
| 8. | An hiberarchy error detection method is used by integrating the check - point detection technology and the heart - beaten detection technology , this method can decrease the communication cost and keep the detection veracity at the same time 通过检查点检测与心跳检测相结合的分层故障检测机制,在保障检测的准确性的同时降低检测通信开销。 |
| 9. | Background . : this study investigated the use of deceased heart - beating donor livers offered for transplantation during a 10 - year period , during which there has been an increasing disparity between organ supply and demand in the united kingdom 背景:该课题研究了英国10年来对有心脏搏动的尸体供肝的使用情况,这10年来器官供需矛盾日益突触。 |
| 10. | They speed up your heart - beat , raise your body temperature , increase the circulation of blood in your muscles , and loosen up your joints . not only will your performance improve , you will also reduce the chance of muscular strain and other injuries 分钟,它能令心跳加速和体温稍升,增加全身和肌肉的血液循环,令关节更灵活,运动表现更出色,又能减低肌肉、韧带在运动时拉伤或扭伤的机会。 |