Must needs propagate a hellish breed within them . but , if they seek to glorify god , let them not lift heavenward their unclean hands 不过,要是他们追求为上帝增辉添光,那就不要把肮脏的双手朝天举起吧!
Then he hitches his belt sailor fashion and with a shrug of oriental obeisance salutes the court , pointing one thumb heavenward 随后按水手的派头把腰带使劲一勒,以东方人的方式耸肩向法庭深打一躬,朝天翘起大拇指。
Heavenward without a sigh - had the foreboding of untimely death upon him , and would soon leave them in their tears ! this idea of his 他们的牧师已经预感到那不合时宜的死亡的降临,很快就要在他们的哭声中离他们而去了!
You know that even though you are saints , you are here . you are here and you are there . master points heavenward 因为开悟的人无所不知,他们知道自己是佛,虽然身处尘世这里,但也在那里师父指着天上,没问题,不会有什么冲突。
They turned and saw the strange dog standing within a few feet of where potter was lying , and facing potter , with his nose pointing heavenward 他们转身看见那条陌生的狗在离躺着的莫夫波特不到几英尺的地方,脸冲着他,正仰天长嗥。
Swelled heavenward , and uplifted him on its ascending wave . nevertheless , so abstracted was his look , it might be questioned whether mr . dimmesdale even heard the music 然而,他的目光是那么茫然,人们不禁纳闷,丁梅斯代尔先生到底听没听见那音乐。
The mathematician gazed heavenward in supplication , and then intoned , " in scotland there exists at least one field , containing at least one sheep , at least one side of which is black . 数学家乞求的看着天空,之后吟咏到: “在苏格兰存在着最少一个牧场,之中最少有一只羊,最少其一面是黑色的。 ”
Were themselves so rugged in their infirmity , believed that he would go heavenward before them , and enjoined it upon their children , that their old bones should be buried close to their young pastor s holy 他的教众中的年长者,眼见丁梅斯代尔先生身体如此赢弱,尽管他们自己也深受病弱之苦,却相信他一定会先他们面赴天堂,遂谆谆嘱告他们的儿女一定要把他们的老骨头葬在他们年轻牧师的神圣坟墓近旁。
You may take an optional cruise on lake powell , with a shoreline of 1960 mile to navajo indian reservation . arrive at the mountain valley in the afternoon . mammoth monoliths and immense rock spires stretch heavenward from the desert floor 早上驱车前往参观位于大峡谷上游科罗拉多河上的榕林峡谷水坝,伟大的水利工程,造福了三百万亚利桑那州的居民同时,可以自费乘船游览包伟湖,其湖岸线长1960英哩,其中有96个峡谷,犹如将大峡谷搬到湖上一般。
The panorama passed before their eyes like a flash , save when the steam concealed it fitfully from the view ; the travellers could scarcely discern the fort of chupenie , twenty miles south - westward from benares , the ancient stronghold of the rajahs of behar ; or ghazipur and its famous rose - water factories ; or the tomb of lord cornwallis , rising on the left bank of the ganges ; the fortified town of buxar , or patna , a large manufacturing and trading place , where is held the principal opium market of india ; or monghir , a more than european town , for it is as english as manchester or birmingham , with its iron foundries , edge - tool factories , and high chimneys puffing clouds of black smoke heavenward 这一切景物,象闪电般一掠而过,有时被一阵浓浓的白烟,遮盖得模糊不清。沿途,旅客们只能隐约地看见:距贝拿勒斯城东南二十英里的比哈尔历代土王城寨舒纳尔堡,加兹铺和这个城区一些制造玫瑰香水的大工厂以及印度主要的鸦片市场巴特那,还有那个比较欧化和英国化的城市蒙吉尔,它很象英国的曼彻斯特或伯明翰,以冶铁制造铁器和刀剑驰名。那些高大的烟囱喷吐着乌黑的浓烟,把整个卜拉马活佛的天空搞得乌烟瘴气。