His new pad will also include a helipad , health club , hanging gardens and six floors of car parking 这座新官邸中还设有直升机降落场、健身俱乐部、空中花园和6层停车场。
It is learnt that the rooftop helipad of the pamela youde nethersole eastern hospital has never been put to use 据悉东区尤德夫人那打素医院的天台直升机坪从未被使用过。
C construction of turnaround facilities with weighing station , vehicle recovery base and helipad at ha tsuen interchange C在厦村交汇处辟设掉头设施,并设置秤车站拖车基地和直升机升降坪
Construction of turnaround facilities with weighing station , vehicle recovery base and helipad at ha tsuen interchange 建造设有秤车站拖车站的掉头设施,以及在厦村交汇处建造直升机升降坪
The government is planning to build a helipad at siu sai wan to facilitate the provision of a - type casualty evacuation services by the pamela youde nethersole eastern hospital 政府拟于小西湾兴建直升机坪,以配合东区尤德夫人那打素医院使用甲级直升机拯救服务。
It ' s the latest chinese investment plan - a two hundred million dollar resort complex comprising pagoda - roofed holiday homes , golf course , five - star hotel and helipad 这是中国人的最新的投资计划-一个二亿美元投资的综合性休闲场所,包括中国宫殿式大屋顶的渡假客房,高尔夫球场,五星旅馆和停机坪。
In this connection , will the government inform this council whether the rooftop helipad of the hospital not being put to use is due to problems in the design of the rooftop helipad ; if not , what the reasons are ; if so , what the specific problems are and how the government will ensure that new hospitals to be built in future will not have similar problems 就此,政府可否告知本局,这是否由于该院的天台直升机坪在设计上出现问题若否,该直升机坪从未被使用过的原因为何若然,具体的问题为何,政府又会如何确保未来兴建的新医院不再有同样问题出现?
Facilities : a modem , state - of - the - art convention center equipped with simultaneous interpretation system , multi - function board rooms installed with digital av systems accessing six regions in the world for video conferencing , helipad for executives on the go , ample car parking , high - speed broadband network , intelligent information system 配套设施:配备同声翻译系统的大型会议厅,同时掌控6个地区资讯的智能视频会议厅,商务直升飞机坪,高速网络服务,智能化信息管理,高级商务餐厅。