Chinese translation for "hepaticae"
- 苔纲
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- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Two species of genus scapania hepaticae ; scapaniaceae new to china 两个新记录种 | | 2. | A new species of herbertus hepaticae from china 中国剪叶苔属一新种 | | 3. | A new species of scapania scapaniaceae , hepaticae from sichuan , china 中国四川合叶苔属一新种 | | 4. | To all appearances , the hepaticae - flora in hebei is provided with evident temperate nature and deep east asiatic colour , while intimate relationship of the hepaticae - flora between china and japan , europe as well as north american has been full showed 结果表明:河北省苔类植物区系具有明显的温带性质,同时兼有浓厚的东亚区系色彩,并与日本苔类植物区系组成关系密切,且具有一定的特殊性。 | | 5. | The percentage of families with single genus and genera with single species is considerably large , and the rate of endemic species to china is 6 . 12 % . all these demonstrate the complexion of hepaticae - flora and the ancient character of origin of bryophytes in hebei 河北省苔类区系中现存的单属科、单种属比例较大,多为处于演化终极的只有少数残遗种的科属,这反映了本省苔类植物区系起源的古老性。 | | 6. | The keys to the families , genera and species of hepaticae and anthocerotae in hebei are worked out , and the dissected graphs are pictured . moreover , the chinese name , science name , major reference literatures , collect locations , collector and number of specimen , as well as geographical elements and distribution of every species are narrated explicitly . in the hepaticae - flora of hebei , grimaldiaceae , porellaceae and frullaniuccae arc regarded as dominant , showing obvious temperate - zone character and distinct torrid - zone nature , raising the tropic origion theory of china botany - flora which brought forward by professor z . y . wu 同时,根据标本和资料编制了河北省苔类植物科、属、种检索表,详细记述了每种的中文名、学名、主要参考文献考证、标本采集地、采集人和标本号,在河北省和中国各省区及世界范围的地理分布等,描述了每一种与其相近似种的主要区别点和识别特征,并根据标本和文献对其中54种做了显微绘图。 | | 7. | This thesis taking the lead in systematically studying hepaticae , is a part of the comprehensive research of bryophytes in hebei , which will provide datum for the statistics and analysis of bryophytes along with exploit and utility of plant resources in the province , and will provide the first - hand material for the compilation of the 《 flora bryophytarum hebeiensis 》 本论文针对河北省苔类植物进行研究,是河北省苔藓植物生物多样性研究的一个重要部分,也是编写《河北苔藓植物志》的基础性工作;同时,本研究结果将为本省苔类植物资源的开发利用提供重要依据。 | | 8. | The thesis is principally based on the outdoors investigation and the specimens collected by anther and her colleagues in hebei province from 1995 to 2003 . 55 species ( including subspecies and varieties ) of hepaticae and anthocerotae are recorded for hebei , of 22 genera belonging to 16 families . among them , 5 families , 9 genera and 37 species are newly records to llebei , 4 species are renamed 本研究通过对河北省苔类植物较详尽的野外考察、标本采集、物种鉴定、分类和系统整理,初步确定河北省分布有苔类植物16科, 22属, 55种(包括种下单位) ;其中,发现河北新记录科5科;河北新记录属9属;河北新记录种37种;订正原记录种名4种。 | | 9. | The east asian elements have 10 species , accounting for 20 . 41 % , and among them , 60 % are the sino - japan elements . endemic elements to china has 3 species . 27 species of hepaticae in hebei can be seen in north america , holding 55 . 10 % of total , while 29 species can be seen in europe , holding 59 . 18 % 其中,北温带成分、旧世界温带成分、温带亚洲成分为温带成分,共36种,占总种数的73 . 47 ,是河北省苔类植物区系组成的主体;东亚成分有10种,占总种数的20 . 41 ,而中国?日本成分有6种,占东亚成分的60 ;中国特有成分在河北省有3种,占总种数的6 . 12 。 |
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