| 1. | On chen yinque ' s method of argumentation hermeneutic 试论陈寅恪的义理阐释方法 |
| 2. | Different views of gadamer and hirsch to hermeneutic 论伽达默尔与赫什解释角度之歧异 |
| 3. | On the hermeneutic theory and hermeneutic translation procedure 阐释翻译理论与阐释过程 |
| 4. | New conception of reason in gadamer ' s quot; pre - hermeneutic quot; horizon 视域中的新理性观 |
| 5. | The re - orientation of the hermeneutic of law 法律解释的一种本体论探索 |
| 6. | Hermeneutic meanings and effects of hu shih ' s academic paradigm 胡适范式的解释学意义与效应 |
| 7. | A study on xu fuguan ' s hermeneutic thought 徐复观阐释思想研究之一 |
| 8. | The hermeneutic implications of yi , xiang and yan 言的诠释学意蕴 |
| 9. | A hermeneutic interpretation of the quot; faithfulness quot; translation criterion 解释学的解释 |