To the hindoo agha mir , madam scheer ( formerly miss esteve ) writes saying she is quite satisfied with his work 希尔夫人(从前的埃斯特乌小姐)给印度人阿格哈?米尔写信,说她对他的工作甚为满意。
But suppose the hindoos or indians pull up the rails , replied stuart ; suppose they stop the trains , pillage the luggage - vans , and scalp the passengers “他们会截住火车,抢劫行李,还要剥下旅客的头皮!这您也算上了? ”
I hear the hindoo teaching his favorite pupil the loves , wars , adages , transmitted safely to this day from poets who wrote three thousand years ago 我听见有三千年前的诗人们书写的、完好无损地流传至今的、有印度教士传授给得意门生的、有关爱情故事、战争和格言。
All this portion of bundelcund , which is little frequented by travellers , is inhabited by a fanatical population , hardened in the most horrible practices of the hindoo faith 上本德尔汗德这一整块地区,以前都是人迹罕至的地方,现在这里住着一些具有狂热宗教信仰的教族,他们在当地还保留着那些最可怕的教规。
It was the body of an old man , gorgeously arrayed in the habiliments of a rajah , wearing , as in life , a turban embroidered with pearls , a robe of tissue of silk and gold , a scarf of cashmere sewed with diamonds , and the magnificent weapons of a hindoo prince 这是一个老头儿的尸首。他和生前一样穿戴着土王的华服,头上缠着缀有珍珠的头巾,身上穿着绣金的绸袍子,腰间系着镶满宝石的细羊毛腰带,此外还佩着印度土王专用的漂亮武器。
The oldest egyptian or hindoo philosopher raised a corner of the veil from the statue of the divinity ; and still the trembling robe remains raised , and i gaze upon as fresh a glory as he did , since it was i in him that was then so bold , and it is he in me that now reviews the vision 远古时代埃及和印度的哲人曾揭起神像帷幔一角;法袍拂动,那幔帐至今依然漫卷,从我慑胆观想以他们昭示真理,而今真理又以我之口展现,我的凝望就一如最初瞻仰到他清新的荣光。