Porcelain ( initially from korea ) and painting ( utamaro , hiroshige ) flourish 这段时期瓷器艺术及浮世绘涌现。
The history of wood - bloc prints is a long one , with some used to represent clothing patterns stored in the treasure house at shosoin . during the edo period the tradition diversified to allow specialization in painting originals , carving the wood blocks , and printing , and with the techniques developed by masters such as utamaro and hiroshige , the art form grew in expressiveness and beauty 木版画具有悠久的历史、在正仓院里就收藏着表现衣服花纹的蛮绘。江户时代就已经形成了画师?刻版师、印刷师的详细分工、通过歌磨及广重等的细腻表现手法使木版画达到了完成的境地。