Houser arranged for his top aids to visit the disabled factory . 豪泽派他的高级职员来参观我们报废的工厂。
Breach initiated by sam houser . club level employee 渗透者山姆?豪瑟店里的普通雇员
The nobel prize in physics 1956 : walter houser brattain 诺贝尔物理学奖-沃尔特布来登
Mr . houser holds a b . s . in computer science from the university wisconsin at madison Houser先生拥有麦迪逊威斯康星大学的计算机科学学士学位。
Ibm rational s cheng - yee lin , thomas houser , and peter parapounsky , creators of the bridging technology , explain its basics and present a sample application that leverages its capabilities Ibm rational的cheng - yee lin 、 thomas houser和peter parapounsky是桥接技术的三位缔造者,他们将解释桥接的一些基础知识,并将展示一个表现桥接功能的示例应用程序。