| 1. | Mediastinal lymph nodes were usually hyperemic and enlarged . 纵隔淋巴结通常充血和增长。 |
| 2. | The microabscesses have yellow centers and prominent hyperemic borders 微小脓肿中心是黄色,外周明显充血。 |
| 3. | The cut surface at the right demonstrates yellowish - tan mucosal exudation with a hyperemic border 右侧显示切面,有黄褐色的粘膜渗出物并有有边缘充血。 |
| 4. | Pseudopolyps are seen here in a case of severe ulcerative colitis . the remaining mucosa has been ulcerated away and is hyperemic 严重的溃疡性结肠炎病历中可见假息肉。残留的黏膜已经溃烂脱落,充血。 |
| 5. | The infection with inflammation is characterized by the pale yellowish - tan areas next to the dilated calyces with hyperemic mucosal surfaces 扩张肾盏的表面粘膜充血,靠近扩张肾盏的区域为黄褐苍白区,这是炎症感染的特征。 |
| 6. | We reported a 30 year - old male patient who had suffered from intermittent attacks of hyperemic eye , pain and poor vision of right eye for 10 years 患者为30岁男性,在十年前开始出现右眼红、痛及模糊之现象,二年后被诊断为绝对性青光眼。 |
| 7. | This is a more typical acute gastritis with a diffusely hyperemic gastric mucosa . there are many causes for acute gastritis : alcoholism , drugs , infections , etc 典型的急性胃炎,胃黏膜广泛充血。急性胃炎的原因很多有:酒精中毒,药物,感染,等。 |
| 8. | The interventricular septum of the heart has been sectioned to reveal an extensive acute myocardial infarction . the dead muscle is tan - yellow with a surrounding hyperemic border 心脏室间隔的断面显示了广泛的急性心肌梗死。坏死心肌呈棕黄色,与周围充血心肌分界清楚。 |
| 9. | This yellow - green exudate on the surface of an inflamed , hyperemic ( erythematous ) bowel mucosa consists of many neutrophils along with fibrin and amorphous debris from dying cells 炎性充血的肠粘膜表面可见黄绿色渗出物,由在病灶处纤维和坏死细胞碎片周围有许多中性粒细胞组成。 |