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希拉库  detail>>
哈鲁纳巴德  detail>>
Ⅰ名词 1.(丧失自由受人役使的人) bondservant; 农奴 serf 2.(姓氏) a surname  短语和例子   奴伟 n...  detail>>
h d
水方基准  detail>>
s in d h
每二小时一次  detail>>
Ⅰ名词 1.(写字绘画的用品) china [chinese] ink; ink cake; ink stick 2.(写字、绘画或印刷用的颜料) ink  短语和例子&...  detail>>
r and d
R and D,R & D =research and development 研究与发展。   detail>>
r-k continuum of strategies r-k
策略连续系统  detail>>
alaca h y k
阿拉贾休于  detail>>
asikli h y k
阿西克里休于  detail>>
atal h y k
恰塔尔休于  detail>>
elijah h k mudenda
伊利贾穆登达  detail>>
h k mao
毛河光  detail>>
法兴院  detail>>
h-r diagram
赫罗图  detail>>
k r coefficient of equivalence
库李等值系数  detail>>
r k monyatsiwa
蒙亚齐瓦  detail>>
r w k gee
季卿礼  detail>>