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Chinese translation for "ibf"

Example Sentences:
1.Ibf institute of british foundrymen london
2.Ibf international badminton federation
3.The other heavyweight crowns are held by chris byrd ( ibf ) , nikolay valuev ( wba ) and lamon brewster ( wbo )
4.Unfortunately the former ibf champion lacy was unable to attend due to eye damage that was receiving immediate attention in the dressing room
5.The ibf a , 501 ( c ) 3 and the environmental bamboo foundation of indonesia were both founded by linda garland , an international designer and environmentalist
国际竹协, 5013和印度尼西亚的环境竹协都是由琳达?加兰建立的。她是一个国际设计师和环保专家。
6.The laws of badminton . as amended and adopted by the ibf through may 1992 , plus july 94 revision of rule 15 . 6 . 2 , august 1998 revision of setting and on - court coaching rules , and august 2002 scoring change
羽毛球规则,是1992年被国际羽毛球联合会采纳和修订的, 94年7月添加了规则15 . 6 . 2 , 1998年8月补充了设置和到场教练的规定, 2002年8月对计分进行了修改。
7.Jeff : therefore , the ibf changed the competition system in 1969 , which let the four winning teams from the four areas , and the champion team of the previous thomas cup as well as the host country team compete for the championship through the elimination series . then , the final winner will be the champion
杰夫:为此, 1969年国际羽毛球联合会修改了比赛规则,由口个区的优胜队和上后冠军队及本后举办国的队共六个队进行淘汰赛,决出冠军。
8.A total of 27 teams and 258 players from around the world including indonesia , china , korea and hong kong will compete . this event is considered a 6 - star competition and is one of the qualifying tours of the ibf world grand prix that offers prize money worth us 250 , 000
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