Ifg is a condition in which the fasting blood glucose level is 100 to 125 milligrams per deciliter ( mg / dl ) after an overnight fast 糖尿病前期是指在发展为第二型糖尿病、心脏病以及中风的过程中风险升高的一种情况。
We sought to estimate the rate of progression from newly acquired ( incident ) impaired fasting glucose ( ifg ) to diabetes under the old and new ifg criteria and to identify predictors of progression to diabetes 目的:在新旧两种空腹血糖受损( ifg )标准下,我们评估从新增空腹血糖受损病人发展成2型糖尿病患者的渐进原则,并且确定发展成糖尿病过程中的预警信号。