Pfuhl was one of those hopelessly , immutably conceited men , ready to face martyrdom for their own ideas , conceited as only germans can be , just because it is only a germans conceit that is based on an abstract ideascience , that is , the supposed possession of absolute truth 普弗尔是那类自信到不可救药,一成不变,以致于宁愿殉道的人之一,这类人只能是德国人,因为只有德国人根据远离现实的观念科学,即臆想到的完善无缺的真理的知识才建立这样的自信。
My task was a very hard one ; but , as i was absolutely resolved - as my cousins saw at length that my mind was really and immutably fixed on making a just division of the property - as they must in their own hearts have felt the equity of the intention ; and must , besides , have been innately conscious that in my place they would have done precisely what i wished to do - they yielded at length so far as to consent to put the affair to arbitration 我的任务很艰巨,但是因为我下定了决心我的表兄妹们最后看到,我要公平地平分财产的想法已经真的不可改变地定了下来还因为他们在内心一定感到这种想法是公平的,此外,也一定本来就意识到他们如处在我的地位,也一样会做我希望做的事最后他们让步了,同意把事情交付公断。