The difference of litigation model between two families of law makes a distinction between expert witness and lay witness in the fields of service target , dispatch , impanel and nature standing in litigation ; the second chapter of article surveys the problems arising from expert system practice and actual application of expert witness in judicial practice , and demonstrates the existing condition and necessity of setting up expert witness in our country ; the third chapter of article builds up them in the regards of subject of expert witness , qualification , launch , impanel and adoption of expert ’ comments 而两大法系诉讼模式的差异,使专家证人与鉴定人在服务对象、启动和选任以及在诉讼中的性质地位上存在较大的区别;本文第二章考察我国鉴定制度在运行过程中产生的问题和专家证人在司法实践中实际运用,论证我国确立专家证人存在的现实基础和必要性;本文第三章,从专家证人的主体、资格、启动和选任及专家意见的可采性等方面进行了构建。