| 1. | You protect yourself against self - incrimination but 你保护自己的反对自我归罪特权,但是 |
| 2. | The relevant problems self - incrimination rnle 自认规则的有关问题 |
| 3. | The comparison of right to silence and the privilege against self incrimination 沉默权与反对自我归罪特权之比较 |
| 4. | Non - penalization and non - incrimination are both essential themes in the main stream of the criminal law reform in the modem world 摘要非刑罚化运动是与非犯罪化并驾齐驱的当代刑法改革的两大主题之一,是刑法谦抑思想指导下,要求严格收缩法定刑罚圈,广泛适用刑罚的替代措施。 |
| 5. | About one in five people thought the right to own a pet was protected , and 38 percent said they believed the right against self - incrimination contained in the fifth amendment was a first amendment right , the survey found 调查同时显示,人们对第一修正案中的权利有错误的认识,有1 5的美国人认为养的权利受到保护, 38 %的人认为第五修正案中反对"自证其罪"的权利应是第一修正案中的内容。 |
| 6. | As both the effective methods to realize the restraint and two essential themes in the contemporary world , non - incrimination and non - penalization have great significances and particular substances , especially in china where they should be improved and developed widely and deeply 作为刑法谦抑性的有效实现方式,同时也是当代世界刑法改革的两大主题,非犯罪化和非刑罚化有其特定的时代意义和内涵。 |
| 7. | This paper analyzes the right against self - incrimination and right to silence in terms of fact , value and law system by using historical method , the method used in sociology of religion and the one adopted by a . j . m . milne to analyze rules 本文借鉴历史唯物主义的方法、宗教社会学的分析方法以及a . j . m .米尔恩所采用的规则分析方法,从事实、价值、制度三个层面对不被强迫自证其罪权利及其推导权利? ?沉默权进行了分析。 |
| 8. | Chapter three : scope of the rules the scope of exclusionary rules is classified in this paper into the following categories : evidence illegally obtained through unlawful search and seizure , violating the principle on not compelling self - incrimination and due process 是实物证据的排除;违反不强迫自证其罪规定的排除,体现为言词证据的排除:和以违反正当法律程序为根据的非法证据排除规则,体现为辨认结果、鉴定结论的排除。 |
| 9. | About one in five people thought the right to own a pet was protected , and 38 percent said they believed the right against self - incrimination contained in the fifth amendment was a first amendment right , the survey found . a solemn supplication or request to a superior authority 调查同时显示,人们对第一修正案中的权利有错误的认识,有1 5的美国人认为养宠物的权利受到保护, 38 %的人认为第五修正案中反对"自证其罪"的权利应是第一修正案中的内容。 |