| 1. | Insuperable difficulties, as it seems to me, prevent from coming to any just conclusion on this head . 可是依我的意见,似乎尚有不可克服的困难,足以阻碍我们对于这个问题作出任何恰当的结论。 |
| 2. | I feel i should tell you that from an administrative point of view the difficulties of extricating this force in full are insuperable . 我觉得应该告诉你,从后勤观点来看,要全部撤出这支部队有不可克服的困难。 |
| 3. | Am i severed from you by insuperable obstacles 难道你我被不可逾越的障碍隔开了? |
| 4. | The difficulties that confront us seem insuperable 我们面临的困难似乎是不可克服的。 |
| 5. | But not , i think , an insuperable one 但我认为这并不是无法克服的困难。 |
| 6. | But none of this is insuperable 但这一切还都不是定局。 |
| 7. | In the face of insuperable difficulties , we maintain our courage and will to resist 面对无法克服的困难,我们仍有勇气和决心坚持到底 |
| 8. | Moreover there has been an insuperable gap between cognitive factors of ancient and modern world 加之古今人间的思维模式存在着晦如昊光的代沟。 |
| 9. | I am in a condition to prove my allegation : an insuperable impediment to this marriage exists “我能够证实刚才的断言,这桩婚事存在着难以克服的障碍。 ” |
| 10. | Perhaps it may be got over - explained away ? hardly , was the answer . i have called it insuperable , and i speak advisedly “几乎不可能, ”那人回答, “我称它难以克服,是经过深思熟虑后才说的。 ” |