| 1. | Comparison of inter - relations between networks , markets and science circles 科层相互关系的比较 |
| 2. | An analysis on the inter - relations between turkey and eu after the iraq war 美伊战争后土欧关系发展的内在联系分析 |
| 3. | A thinking of the influence of china ' s ideological history over china ' s literature history and their inter - relations 关于中国思想史影响中国文学史关系的思考 |
| 4. | Inter - relations among collaborative discussion , meta - cognitive control and successful solution in combinatorial problem 合作讨论和元认知监控与排列组合问题的解决 |
| 5. | The cas stores data as typed feature structures , and the typesystem defines the types and their inter - relations Cas将数据存储为有类型的结构,类型系统定义了类型以及类型之间的关系。 |
| 6. | The enhanced programme allows students to learn the inter - relation between technology and design and at the same time provides opportunity for them to pursue further subjects of interests in the individual areas 拓宽后的课程将使得学生能够学习设计与技术间的内在联系,并同时向学生提供根据自己兴趣深入学习不同领域科目的机会。 |
| 7. | The inter - relation and coherence are two basic principles embodied in each language material , allowing the students to master expression skills and methods during the process of learning 同时注意到把“衔接”与“连贯”原则自然地揉进每个语料,从而使学生在学习中潜移默化地掌握得体的表达技巧与表达方法,快速达到“学以致用”的目的。 |
| 8. | In the safety management manual ( or xxx procedures ) , the responsibility and authority of all departments of company and ship is defined and in the each documents , inter - relation and authority between relevant department and ship are defined 在安全管理手册(或xxx程序)中,公司和船舶各部门的职责均有规定,在每个文件中,规定了各相关部门和船舶间的关系和职责都有规定。 |
| 9. | A in the safety management manual ( or xxx procedures ) , the responsibility and authority of all departments of company and ship is defined and in the each documents , inter - relation and authority between relevant department and ship are defined 在安全管理手册(或xxx程序)中,公司和船舶各部门的职责均有规定,在每个文件中,规定了各相关部门和船舶间的关系和职责都有规定。 |
| 10. | Based on the three layers of learning space , the learning content is acquired from the correlation operation in the intra - relation and inter - relation , moves from the unit layer to the concept layer and entity layer , and finally , stops at entity layer 在学习空间的三层结构上确定了学习内容的获取就是在层内关系和层间关系上执行相关的操作,最后跳跃到实体层上的过程。 |