This paper consists of six chapters , as listed below : chpt i , isagoge : introduces digital coding technology in audio / visual fields , of its significance in application and its developments abroad . chpt ii , standard and application : standard is always the leading edge of digital coding technology , for example mpeg - 4 and mpeg - 7 , best understanding the thoughts and advantages of is designation can do much help using the media file formats as examples in application 第二章视音频编码技术标准及其应用:视音频编码的国际标准代表着这一技术的前沿,尤其是目前已广泛应用的mapeg - 4以及成功开发的mpeg - 7标准,其精髓之处就是引进了面向对象、基于内容的先进设计思想,视音频中的各种视音频文件格式就是这些先进技术标准的应用实例。