The result showed that corn stock and chicken manure , etc . is the best material for cultivating kalgan mushroom 结果表明:合理比例的玉米秸和鸡粪是河北南部栽培褐蘑菇较为理想的栽培主原料。
In order to cultivate the kalgan mushroom that originated in grass land of zhangjiakou in south of shijihuazhuang , we studied the ratio of the material which used for cultivating the kalgan mushroom 摘要褐蘑菇产自内蒙和冀北坝上高原,将它南移下坝进行人工栽培是本研究的目的。
Kalgan : generally speaking we want " pure " classes to perform better in their primary roles , with hybrids coming close , but providing additional group utility to offset their reduced primary role power 总体来说,我们希望专精职业在他们的主要职能上表现的更好一点,混合职业可以接近,但是混合职业可以提供团队额外的能力,以此来补偿他们在主要职能上的弱势。