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Chinese translation for "kazakhs"


Related Translations:
kazakh:  n.哈萨克人;哈萨克族。
kazakh culture:  哈萨克文化/
kazakh person:  哈萨克人
kazakh cuisine:  哈萨克料理/
kazakh ssr:  哈萨克共和国
kazakh medicine:  哈萨克医学/
kazakh language:  哈萨克语言/
kazakh world:  哈萨克世界/
kazakh khanate:  哈萨克汗国
kazakh sports:  哈萨克体育/
Example Sentences:
1.Features of the word orders of nouns and their modifiers in kazakh language
2.Cuman is the name given to the qypchaq / kazakh people by the europeans in the medieval time
3." we urge you to tell the national bank not to put out the notes with a mistake in the kazakh language .
“我们请求您,禁止国家银行将带有哈萨克语拼写错误的纸币投入使用。 ”
4.Besides , the author also finds that the classification of kazakh dialects has close relation with the tribal structure of kazakh people living in china
5.Even kazakhs rich enough to turn to the few private clinics are not protected if , say , they suffer a heart attack and need urgent transport
6.In april , church sport team “ unity ” participated in the tournament of kazakh - american free university . men team won a champion and women team got the 3rd place
7.Going green means something very different for these women who are trying to convert meat - loving kazakhs to vegetarianism
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