The chocolate was 110 degrees , hotter than a hot tub , said capt . greg sinnen of the kenosha fire department 据知情人士介绍,这些巧克力当时的温度达到摄氏110度,比洗澡用的热水还要烫。
Founded in 1920 , snap - on is a $ 2 + billion , s & p 500 company headquartered in kenosha , wisconsin 公司营业额已达20多亿美元,其产品通过遍布在北美、欧洲、亚洲、大洋州等地的销售网络销往世界各地。
Snap - on incorporated founded in 1920 , headquartered in kenosha , wisconsin with approximately 14 , 000 employees worldwide 实耐宝公司成立于1920年,总部设于美国威斯康辛州的肯诺沙市,目前全球员工约有14 , 000人。
Snap - on incorporated founded in 1920 , headquartered in kenosha , wisconsin , usa and employees approximately 14 , 000 worldwide 实耐宝公司成立于1920年,总部设于美国威斯康辛州的肯诺沙市,是一家有80多年历史的著名企业。
Kenosha , wis . - it might sound like a chocoholic ' s dream , but stepping into a vat of viscous chocolate became a two - hour nightmare for a 21 - year - old man friday morning 据美联社8月19日报道,这件事听起来可能像是一场巧克力般甜美的梦,但对于21岁的加西亚而言,两小时身陷一桶巧克力酱的经历绝对是一场恶梦。