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Chinese translation for "kkr"

Example Sentences:
1.Kkr ' s takeover of first data completes despite recent problems in the credit markets
尽管最近的问题, kkr的第一个资料收购在信贷市场中完成。
2.The kkr group apparently concluded that to fight on once a deal was done would break the private - equity industry ' s new clubby code
显然, kkr集团认定,一旦协议达成,继续争取恐怕会破坏私人股本行业的新交际准则。
3.The kkr group apparently concluded that to fight on once a deal was done would break the private - equity industry ' s new clubby code
显然, kkr集团当时认定,一旦协议达成,继续争取恐怕会破坏私人股本行业的新交际准则。
4.However , blackstone , which topped the us league table , took part in global deals worth $ 93bn , while kkr , number one in europe , managed a world total of $ 78bn
在美国排名首位的私人股本集团黑石集团,参与的全球交易价值930亿美元;而在欧洲居首的kkr ,则完成了780亿美元的全球交易。
5.Kkr focuses on companies where it can build strong partnerships with management and strong franchises . they have attractive growth opportunity , sustainable competitive advantages and defensible market position
6.Kkr focuses on companies where it can build strong partnerships with management and strong franchises . they have attractive growth opportunity , sustainable competitive advantages and defensible market position
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