Xiliaohe ( inner mongolia ) , which lies wengniute - kulun county of inner mongolia south - east , is in deficient water resources 摘要西辽河(内蒙古境内)严重缺水区位于内蒙古自治区翁牛特旗库伦旗一带。
The term of the previous precambrian metallogenic domain is not adopted , and the precambrian metallogeny should be discussed as the metallogeny of the basement in the relevant paleo - asiatic , qinling - qilian - kulun and tethys metallogenic domains 对于前寒武纪成矿作用地区,文章不以“成矿域”称之,其成矿作用置于古亚洲、秦祁昆和特提斯诸成矿域中以基底成矿作用方式讨论之。
If the electric charges in the two stars are supposed to be equal , it can be calculated according to the kulun ' s theorem that 19100 nuclear unity masses must have one electron , such that the electromagnetic force produced can provide enough centrifugal force for the rotation 假定两星所带的电荷数量相等,根据库仑定律,我们可以计算出,在两星中平均每19100个原子单位质量,就必须带有一个电子电荷,所产生的静电引力才能够提供足够的向心力。