There are many public phones in leamington spa which accept cards or cash , or you may choose to use a mobile telephone for the duration of your stay 在雷鸣顿郡又很多的公用电话接受卡或现金,或者你在那儿也可以选择使用手机。
From what i understand , saichave invested heavily in designing and engineering world class vehicles for aworld market , the team in leamington consists of some of the best engineers mgrover had , and i am sure that the product ' s developed there , and in shanghai , will enhance both saic ' s and now mg ' s future product plans 那么,在现在这个时候,请你告诉我们的读者你对合并后的南汽名爵/上汽/荣威商标的发展策略和新车型,及其将来可能对长桥生产的短期、中期和远期的未来产生的影响有哪些判断。