Here, the truer the scandal, the more libelous it is . 在这儿,丑事愈真实,诽谤的罪就愈大。
No evidence has been found in the case so far and therefore it is probably a libelous suit .. 查无实据,恐怕是诬告。
To spread libelous rumors in order to discourage the tourists 为了遏制旅游而散布无稽谣言
A plaintiff ' s interpretation in a libel suit of allegedly libelous or slanderous material 对被告诽谤言辞的解释在诽谤案件中,原告对所称的诽谤的或谣言的材料的解释
Internet users and providers cannot be held liable for posting libelous material written by someone else , the california supreme court ruled unanimously today 加利福尼亚高级法院今天无异议裁决:互联网使用者和提供者对于发表他人所写的诽谤材料不必承担责任。
Distributor will not make any misleading , unfair , inaccurate or libelous statement regarding ov or other persons ( including competitors ) , their products , or business 直销商均同意,不会以任何方式作出错误、不公平、失实或毁谤性的比较、声明、说明或言论针对机汇或他人(包括竞争对手) 、其产品和商业活动。