Lovejoy , of no fixed abode , was charged with murder 洛夫乔伊,居无定所,被控谋杀
Lovejoy , of no fixed abode , was charged with murder 洛夫乔伊,居无定所,被控谋杀
Lovejoy adds that high - altitude winds would have been essential for the swarm ' s flight 拉夫卓伊指出,当时的高空气流对蝗虫群的飞行就至关重要。
Terry lovejoy - an astronomer from australia , discovered two comets using a dslr in less than six months 从初三就认识的师兄,现在钻研摄影的牛人。
His beloved friend , representative owen lovejoy of princeton , illinois had died in may of1864 他亲爱的朋友,依利诺斯州普林斯顿的众议员欧文?拉夫佐伊于1864年五月去世。
Throughout the north and west , more people joined anti - slavery societies following lovejoy ' s death 在洛夫乔伊死后,从北部到西部,有越来越多的人参与反奴隶制度的组织。
Lovejoy was chief technology officer at security vendor , consul risk management , which ibm acquired last year 勒福乔是行政技术人员,在安全厂商,领事风险管理, ibm公司去年收购了。
Lovejoy and other biologists began a remarkable experiment on the fast ? eroding fringe of rain forest near the brazilian city of manaus 洛夫乔伊博士和其他一些生物学家在巴西马瑙斯市附近遭受快速侵蚀的热带雨林地区边缘开始了一项备受瞩目的实验。
Using muscle samples taken from the powerful hind legs of locusts , lovejoy and his colleagues used mitochondrial dna sequences to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the schistocerca locusts 拉夫卓伊和同事在研究过程中利用从蝗虫有力的后腿上取下的肌肉样本,使用线粒体dna序列重塑了沙漠蝗的进化史。
Two of the three forwards in chelsea ' s centenary xi , gianfranco zola and bobby tambling , are pictured having received their awards from tim lovejoy at stamford bridge last night , wednesday 上图摄于昨天星期三晚上在斯坦福桥,切尔西百年最佳阵容三前锋中的两位,吉安弗兰科-佐拉和伯比-坦布林从汀姆-拉夫乔手中接过奖项时。