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Chinese translation for "macaulay"

2.Thomas Babington Macaulay 汤马斯巴宾顿麦考莱 〔1800-1859,英国历史学家、作家、政治家〕。
Example Sentences:
1.“ his fervent zeal for the interests of the state ” ( macaulay )
“他对国家利益的强烈热忱” (麦考利) 。
2.Artist name : culkin , macaulay
3.Male artist culkin , macaulay
4.Her family reared a sumptuous mausoleum over her remains ( macaulay
她的家人在她的遗体上立了一座华丽的陵墓(麦考利) 。
5.I think sally and macaulay would make a perfect couple . let ' s fix them up
6.“ sentiment and eloquence serve only to impede the pursuit of truth ” ( macaulay )
“感情用事和夸夸其谈只能阻碍对真理的追求” (麦考利) 。
7.“ the drudgery of penning definitions and marking quotations for transcription ” ( macaulay )
“写定义和标明翻译用引言的枯燥工作” (麦考利) 。
8.Macaulay have occasional flashes of silence that make his conversation perfectly delightful
9.The earlier part of his discourse was deformed by pedantic divisions and subdivisions ( macaulay
学究式的划分和次分损毁了他的讲话的前一部分的外形(麦考利) 。
10.“ in our island the latin appears never to have superseded the old gaelic speech ” ( macaulay )
“在我们的岛上古老的盖尔语似乎永远被拉丁语所取代” (麦考利) 。
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