At 2 strands of dna , this creates a machismo man and a subordinate woman 在2股dna ,这创造了一个阳刚的男人和一个顺从的女人。
They tell us that we ' re remote and uncommunicative , that we need to demonstrate less machismo and more commitment , more humanity 她们常念叨和我们男人之间距离遥远,无法沟通;还要求我们减少些男人气,增添些承诺和仁慈。
When palestinian and israeli societies are being ripped apart by the testosterone and machismo of wartime , mothers are struggling to keep alive their nurturing role amid the loss , grief and fear 在这个充满男人的冲动和好斗意气的战争氛围中,以巴双方的社会生活都被搅得乱七八糟,面对亲人的丧失、悲伤和恐惧,母亲们在竭力承担着她们看护者的角色。