Mahakasyapa was born in the country of magadha . his father was yingzhe and his mother was hsiangzhi 他出生在摩伽陀国magadha ,爸爸叫荫泽,妈妈名香志。
Gautama ' s father was the king of kapilavastu in magadha , and gautama was born a prince , destined to a life of luxury 乔达摩的父亲是迦毗罗城的摩揭陀国王,乔达摩出生于王族,注定拥有奢侈的生活。
Siddhattha passed through the country of magadha to the town of uruvela , where he settled in a grove of trees to find enlightenment 悉达多经过摩揭辽王国,进入了优娄频罗村,坐在小树林下,去寻找启迪。
During that time , siddhatha went to rajagaha , the capital of magadha , which was the centre of culture with many orthodox and unorthodox monks 那时候,悉达多走进灵鹫山,摩揭陀王国的首都,是很多正统和非正统僧侣的文化中心。