| 1. | Franz brentano ' s philosophy and the principles of mahayana 布伦塔诺哲学与大乘佛教原理 |
| 2. | Foundation for the preservation of the mahayana tradition fpmt 梭巴仁波切现在是护持大乘法脉联合会属 |
| 3. | Books on mahayana buddhism were completely lost in india 属于大乘佛教的佛典,在印度是完全消失的。 |
| 4. | It is said that master xuan zang once stayed in a mahayana temple in india 大雁塔的得名还有一段有趣的故事呢! |
| 5. | Mahayana literature was written mostly in sanskrit and mixed sanskrit 这些大乘佛教的文献都是用梵文与混合梵文写程。 |
| 6. | Mahayana greater vehicle 大乘佛教宗派之一 |
| 7. | This is called hinayana . but you initiated disciples are my mahayana disciples 这是叫小乘,你们印心的弟子就是师父大乘的徒弟。 |
| 8. | In fact , there are two major sects of buddhism in india , the mahayana and the hinayana 传说玄奘在印度取经时曾住在一座大乘佛寺内。 |
| 9. | Ever since then , the monks of the temple became vegetarians and began to believe in mahayana buddhism 从此,全寺和尚不再吃肉并改信大乘佛教。 |
| 10. | There are many references to stupas for the buddha and arahats throughout the entire mahayana literature 在整个大乘文献中,有很多关于佛陀和阿罗汉浮图的参考资料。 |