In fact , mobilizing an ersatz army of malcontents 事实上,调动一个不满份子组成的杂牌军队
In fact , mobilizing an ersatz army of malcontents . . 事实上,调动一个不满份子组成的杂牌军队. .
All the trouble is being caused by a handful of malcontents 这些是非都是由一小撮不满分子搬弄的
Every time i fill a vacant office , i make ten malcontent and one ingrate 每当朕提出一个新任命,即造成十个不满分子与一个忘恩负义之徒。
Every time i full a vacant office , i make ten malcontents and one ingrate 每当朕+提出一个新任命,即造成十个不满分子与一个忘恩负义之徒。
The only certain thing is that the following day , al - drifa announced to the malcontents that everything was back to order 不过第二天有个事情非常明显:艾尔德利法对不满者宣布,一切都恢复秩序。
The objections on this occasion came , not from malcontents and rabble - rousers , but from men of standing in the locality 这次的反对意见不是来自不满的人和扇动不满情绪的人,而是来自很有名望的人。
And i sure have decided that , for my pleasure and for some good advice on living , i need to move beyond slackers , cynics , drifters , malcontents - however brilliant their novels , plays or films 为了我自己的快乐和得到一些让生活更有意义的启示,我也决定,我必须超越那些逃避现实愤世嫉俗变化无常和不满现状的艺术家不论他们的小说戏剧或电影有多精彩。
Be pregnant when female worker malcontent when 4 months abort , ought to the opinion according to medical affairs branch , give 15 the 30 period of leave of the day ; be pregnant when 4 months above aborts , the yield that gives 42 days period 当女职工怀孕不满4个月流产时,应当根据医务部门的意见,给予15 30天的假期;怀孕4个月以上流产时,给予42天的产期。