The wu style s distinctive hand form , pushing hands and weapons trainings emphasise parallel footwork and horse stance training with the feet relatively closer together than the modern yang or chen styles , small circle hand techniques although large circle techniques are trained as well and differs from the other tai chi family styles martially with wu style s initial focus on grappling , throws , wrestling and other groundfighting technique ; tumbling , jumping , footsweeps , pressure point leverage and joint locks and breaks , which are trained in addition to more conventional t ai chi sparring and fencing 在一百二十式的春夏秋冬的四路动作中,几乎每一个动作都可以说是攻防意识明确,技击动作符合要领,御敌自卫,是一个体用兼备的优秀的传统太极拳套路。由于李式太极拳有较强的攻防自卫技术,多年来,密不外传,在社会上,推广的不多。加上套路本身下盘动作要求严格,不易掌握,很吃功夫,因此,练的人少,许多人也不了解。