| 1. | The property of operator in matroid 拟阵中算子的性质 |
| 2. | ( 3 ) basis exchange theorem of quasi - fuzzy graph matroid : basic exchange is also an important tool in studying matroid 3 )准模糊图拟阵的基交换:基交换也是研究拟阵的重要工具。 |
| 3. | All of three aspects of fuzzy matroid are important contents of fuzzy matroid , and they were not studied by antecedences 该论文的三个方面都是模糊拟阵的重要内容,三个方面的内容都是前人未研究过的。 |
| 4. | ( 2 ) basic graph of quasi - fuzzy graph matriod : basic graph is extending tree graph , and it is an important tool by which matroid is studied 2 )准模糊图拟阵的基图:基图是树图概念的推广,是研究拟阵的重要工具。 |
| 5. | I bring forward the " basis graph " of quasi - fuzzy graph matroid with the help of the quasi - fuzzy graph matroid by my tutor ffu deyin in the paper 本文是在我导师吴德垠给出的准模糊图拟阵的基础上,提出了准模糊图拟阵的基图。 |
| 6. | Basis exchange theorem of quasi - fuzzy graph matroid plays an important role in studying fuzzy matroid too . it cannot be shorten for matroid theorems 同样,准模糊图拟阵的基交换在模糊拟阵的进一步研究中也将起到重要的作用。 |
| 7. | The former demonstrates existent sufficiency and necessary condition of fuzzy matroid . the follower demonstrates sum sufficiency condition and sum order and basic properties 和的两个定理论证了模糊拟阵的和的充分条件,和的四条性质分别论证的是和的秩,基等的性质。 |
| 8. | Then we discuss eight properties of basis graph of quasi - fuzzy graph matroid . they demonstrate connection properties , vertex distance , determining the label numbers of the vertices and path existing properties 这八条性质定理分别讨论的是准模糊图拟阵的基图的连通性,顶点距离计算的充要条件,顶点标号的确定,路的存在性。 |
| 9. | Basic graph is a graph for which basis set of matroid is consisting of vertex set . two vertexs are adjoining if and only if there are exactly p ( m ) - l commonality elements in their bases . thus it plays an important role in the further studying 基图是一个以拟阵的基集为顶点集的图,使图中的两个顶点是邻接的当且仅当这两个顶点对应的基恰好有p ( m ) - 1个公共元。 |
| 10. | I demonstrate three propertic theorems and four deductions of basis exchange of quasi - fuzzy graph matroid with the help of the quasi - fuzzy graph matroid by my tutor wu deyin . existing properties and determination of fuzzy basis exchange are studied in the paper 本文在我导师吴德垠给出的准模糊图拟阵的基础上,进一步研究了准模糊图拟阵的基交换的性质的三个定理及四个推论。 |