Mr. sharp was the first master, and superior to mr. mell . 夏浦先生是一等老师,比麦尔先生高一级。
The books were scattered pell - mell over the floor 书本凌乱地散置在地上
No mill , no mell 不磨面,没饭吃。
Fascinating subjects and noble ideas come pell - mell , each with its appropriate imagery and expression 极有吸引力的主题和崇高的思想纷纷出现在脑海,随之而来的还有恰如其分的意象和措辞。
If the rock ' s mortgages are sold off in a hurry and its franchise , staff and branches dismantled pell - mell , the taxpayer would lose out 如果草率的将北岩的债权卖掉而且把它的分支职工和机构拆的乱七八糟的话,那么纳税人就将受到损失。
If the rock ' s mortgages are sold off in a hurry and its franchise , staff and branches dismantled pell - mell , the taxpayer would lose out 如果把北岩银行的信贷抵押匆忙卖掉,使其特许经营权,员工和分支机构四分五裂,纳税人将会无法得到补偿。
Along this narrow alley little women were racing pell - mell , for they were delighted to escape from the men who were waiting for them in the other passage 沿着这条通道,小娘儿们乱哄哄地奔走,她们都很高兴,因为这样避开了在全景胡同正在等待她们的男人们。
It is not your job to run around pell - mell trying to rack up an impressive kill count ; instead , you should do everything you can to work with friendly forces so that you can best support the infantry 你的工作不是像个无头苍蝇一样乱跑,寻找敌人来提高自己的杀敌数,而是应该为友军做你能做的每件事,这样才是对步兵最好的支持。
We are preserv d to repent and be pardon d : he muses a while at this ; mell , all , says he , mighty affectionately , that well ; so you , i , devil , all wicked , all preserve , repent , god pardon all 我回答说: "你这样问我,就等于问为什么上帝不把你和我杀掉,因为,我们也犯了罪,得罪了上帝。上帝留着我们,是让我们自己有机会忏悔,有机会获得赦免。