| 1. | Misdiagnosis osteopathy in a case of acute leukemia 误诊为骨科疾病急性白血病1例 |
| 2. | Report of a imported falciparum malaria cases died due to misdiagnosis 以青河出境游为例 |
| 3. | Misdiagnosis of hepatic cell adenoma in the aged 老年肝细胞腺瘤误诊分析 |
| 4. | Misdiagnosis analysis of four cases with pediatric intussusception 小儿肠套叠4例误诊分析 |
| 5. | Analysis of misdiagnosis of pulmonary sarcoidosis 肺结节病的误诊分析 |
| 6. | Misdiagnosis analysis of pulmonary lymphomatosis carcinomatous 肺淋巴管癌病误诊病例回顾性分析 |
| 7. | Analysis on misdiagnosis of 14 cases with cardiac pleural effusion 14例心源性胸腔积液误诊分析 |
| 8. | Causes of the misdiagnosis of infantile tuberculisis and its analysis 小儿结核病误诊原因及分析 |
| 9. | Study on the clinical misdiagnosis of hepatolenticular degeneration 肝豆状核变性的临床误诊研究 |
| 10. | Analysis of osteoporosis misdiagnosis 骨质疏松误诊与漏诊原因分析 |