The chief pleasure of these philosophers lay in going every saturday night , when work was done , to chaseborough , a decayed market town two or three miles distant ; and , returning in the small hours of the next morning , to spend sunday in sleeping off the dyspeptic effects of the curious compounds sold to them as beer by the monopolizers of the once independent inns 这些哲学家们的主要快乐,就是在每个星期六的晚上收工后到两三英里以外的已经衰败了的市镇猎苑堡去一直到深夜过后的第二天凌晨,他们才回到家里,在星期天睡上一整天,把他们喝的那种有碍消化的混合饮料消化掉,这种饮料是从前独立经营的酒店的垄断者们作为啤酒卖给他们的。