| 1. | Get away from city lights and look at the sky some clear, moonless night . 在没有月亮的晴朗的夜晚,避开城市的灯光,观察天空。 |
| 2. | In the dusk of the moonless if starry night, lights from windows shone vividly . 在没有月亮却是满天星斗的夜空里,灯光从窗户中明亮地照射出来。 |
| 3. | When the woman awoke she was to find herself in the depths of a moonless and starless night . 当这个女人醒来的时候,她发觉自己置身在星消月隐的暗夜之中。 |
| 4. | It ' s a dark and moonless night 这是一个黑暗无月的夜晚。 |
| 5. | The dark stuff is hard to be seen in the black of moonless sky 深色的东西在没有月亮的晚上是很难看见的。 |
| 6. | It ' s a dark and moonless night 这是一个黑暗无月的夜晚 |
| 7. | On a windy moonless night , the five of them went through a terrifying catastrophe . . . . 但这所别墅往往令她有种不寒而栗的感觉,怪事接二连三的发生. . |
| 8. | Clear moonless nights are ideal for stargazing but these might be rare . even with some moonlight or clouds , you can still see quite a number of stars 万里无云的日子当然是观星的好时机,但偶尔白云数朵,约隐约现之间也无阻雅兴,甚至更有一种猜谜的乐趣。 |
| 9. | Views of the railings where doomed passengers and crew members stood evoked images of the moonless night 74 years ago when the great ship slipped beneath the waves 看到那些栏杆,想起了74年前那个无月之夜,濒临厄运的乘客及船员站立在栏杆旁,大船慢慢地沉入波涛下。 |
| 10. | My feet they are sore , and my limbs they are weary ; long is the way , and the mountains are wild ; soon will the twilight close moonless and dreary over the path of the poor orphan child 我的双脚酸痛啊四肢乏力,前路漫漫啊大山荒芜。没有月光啊天色阴凄,暮霭沉沉啊笼罩着可怜孤儿的旅途。 |