Still , she s a dear girl . soon be a woman . mullingar 可她毕竟是个招人疼的好姐儿,很快就要成为妇人啦。
Les petites femmes . bold bad girl from the town of mullingar 354来自穆林加尔镇的厚脸皮的坏姑娘355 。
Me have a nice face . mullingar 我有一张好看的连脸。
Damn it . i might have tried to work m coy for a pass to mullingar 唉呀,我本可以托麦科伊给弄张去穆林加尔的免费车票呢。
In the pink , mr bloom said gaily , milly has a position down in mullingar , you know “精神抖擞, ”布卢姆先生快活地说, “喏,知道吗,米莉在穆林加尔找到工作啦。 ”
Why similarly , why differently ? similarly , because actuated by a secret purpose the quest of a new male mullingar student or of a healing herb valerian 类似点是,二者都是由某种隐秘的目的所驱使:寻觅一名新男子穆林加尔市的学生或药草拔地麻。
On the vigil of the 15th anniversary of her birth she wrote a letter from mullingar , county westmeath , making a brief allusion to a local student faculty and year not stated 在过十五岁生日的前夕,她从韦斯特米思郡穆林加尔市写来一封信,简单地提了一下当地的一个学生未说明他是哪一系和哪年级的。
On the slow weedy waterway he had floated on his raft coastward over ireland drawn by a haulage rope past beds of reeds , over slime , mud - choked bottles , carrion dogs . athlone , mullingar , moyvalley , i could make a walking tour to see milly by the canal 他乘了这条用一根纤绳拽着的木排,顺着涓涓流淌杂草蔓生的河道,涉过苇塘,穿过烂泥,越过一只只堵满淤泥的细长瓶子,一具具腐烂的狗尸,从爱尔兰腹地漂向海岸。
But even suppose it did come to planking down the needful and breaking boyd s heart it was not so dear , purse permitting , a few guineas at the outside , considering the fare to mullingar where he figured on going was five and six there and back 即便立刻支付得出那笔必要的款子,让博伊德伤伤心73 ,只要囊中并不羞涩,其实数目也不大大,最多不过是两三基尼而他指望着要去的穆林加尔的往返旅费,估计要五先令六便士。
Bannon in a cut bob which are now in with dance cloaks of kendal green that was new got to town from mullingar with the stage where his coz and mal m s brother will stay a month yet till saint swithin and asks what in the earth he does there , he bound home and he to andrew horne s being stayed for to crush a cup of wine , so he said , but would tell him of a skittish heifer , big of her age and beef to the heel and all this while poured with rain and so both together on to horne s 并要班农告以身高超过同人胖到脚后跟之轻佻妞儿108事,因大雨滂沦,二人同赴霍恩产院。克劳福德日报之利奥波德布卢姆与一帮喜诙谐看似好争论之徒于此宽坐。计有:仁慈圣母医院三年级学生迪克森文林奇一苏格兰人威尔马登为亲自下赌注之马伤心不已之托利内翰和斯蒂芬迪。